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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

Sorting of results :

- Health barometer

Head : BECK François

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


- Health barometer

Head : BECK François

Main objective

Follow the evolution of some basic indicators about behavior and attitudes towards health on general population. Follow the evolution by age group, gender, sub-populations… according to the large size of the sample. Feed the different INPES information programs concerning behaviors, opinion and attitudes towards health as well as determinants (associates factors) of these opinions.
Study, thanks to the large size of the sample, sub-populations specificities (young people, old people, students, unemployed people) and unusual behaviors.
Study the links between representations and behaviors concerning health

(the difference between barometers and other health surveys is that they are surveys about prevention practices and lifestyles concerning health factors. There is no attempt to measure exactly health conditions. A relevant part of the questionnaire concerns sensitive topics such as addictions, mental health, sexual behaviors, etc.)

Being complementary to other big health surveys (avoid repetition, research coherence), in a collaborative effort.
Participate, thanks to the large size of the base, to the production of regional data, in collaboration with the ORS.
In the dimension study/observation, it will also be a point of support for the evaluation of public politics: indicators of the follow of Public Health laws, assessment of government plans (addictions plan, mental health plan, ageing well…)

Inclusion criteria

Question people belonging to households:
- Equipped with a fixed telephone line (white, orange or red list)
- Equipped with just a mobile phone
- Full unbundled access

- Case-Control Study on the Impact of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Negative Emotion Generation on Memory Formation Among Healthy and Traumatised Adolescents

Head : Guillery-Girard Bérengère, INSERM U1077

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


- Case-Control Study on the Impact of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Negative Emotion Generation on Memory Formation Among Healthy and Traumatised Adolescents

Head : Guillery-Girard Bérengère, INSERM U1077

Main objective

The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of bottom-up and top-down processes in the generation of emotions and their effect on attention and memory, and to assess the differential impact of attention deficits on memory through a case-control survey of traumatised adolescents with attentional bias.

Inclusion criteria

- Individuals with a post-traumatic stress disorder with no stress for at least a year;
- Individuals with no other neurological, psychiatric or learning disorders;
- No intellectual disability;
- Not taking medication;
- Native level French;
- Signed consent form (parents and children).

- Cohort of Patients with Depression: Toxic Effects on Brain Function

Head : Falissard Bruno , Inserm U1018 – Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health – Team: Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


- Cohort of Patients with Depression: Toxic Effects on Brain Function

Head : Falissard Bruno , Inserm U1018 – Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health – Team: Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Main objective

To assess the impact of depression on the hippocampus.

Inclusion criteria

Outpatients from selected physicians who:
– meet the DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder based on clinical assessment criteria;
– were tested for delayed memory function during two visits several weeks apart.

CESAME - Cancer and Increased Risk Associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in France

Head : Beaugerie Laurent, UMRS-S 707

Version 2


Last update : 12/01/2017


CESAME - Cancer and Increased Risk Associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in France

Head : Beaugerie Laurent, UMRS-S 707

Main objective

General objective: To test the hypothesis that the use of immunosuppressants (IS) for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) leads to an increased risk of lymphoma in a cohort population. Secondary objective: to assess - relative risk associated with IS treatment for all cancers, to assess the standardised incidence rate for all other cancers observed during IBD; -The increased risk of colorectal cancer associated with extensive and former colonic inflammation for ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease: - Increased risk of ileal adenocarcinoma associated with chronic ileal inflammation in Crohn's disease; - Evaluation of mortality of patients with IBD diseases and risk factors; - Protective role of salicylates, pregnancy and malformation syndromes.

Inclusion criteria

Subjects with IBD (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and indeterminate colitis) defined according to the usual diagnostic criteria, who attended consultation at least once between May 2005 and May 2006.

TROPHEE - Benign prostatic hyperplasia: management and medical needs not covered in general practice in France

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


TROPHEE - Benign prostatic hyperplasia: management and medical needs not covered in general practice in France

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Main objective

To describe the general practitioner long term management plan for patients with symptoms of BPH in France

Inclusion criteria

• Patients over 50 years old
• Patients with a diagnosis of BPH for at least 1 year
• Patients currently treated with at least one of the treatments for symptoms of BPH

EPIMAN-II-Mille - Longitudinal Study on Hospitalised Patients with Acute Mania Pertaining to Primary Bipolar Disorder

Head : Hantouche Elie, Centre de l’Humeur, département de psychiatrie adulte, hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
Azorin Jean-Michel

Version 3


Last update : 09/05/2017


EPIMAN-II-Mille - Longitudinal Study on Hospitalised Patients with Acute Mania Pertaining to Primary Bipolar Disorder

Head : Hantouche Elie, Centre de l’Humeur, département de psychiatrie adulte, hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
Azorin Jean-Michel

Main objective

To demonstrate the influence of temperament on the expression of mania; particularly the link between mixed mania and depressive temperament.

Inclusion criteria

- male and female
- adult
- hospitalised and presenting with acute mania pertaining to primary bipolar disorder

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